
Back to It.

I've decided to get back to it. It has been quite a while since I've really wanted to get everything back in line. And a lot has happened... job crisis, separation, relocation, hunkerin' down, watching pennies, eatin' ramen, crappy apartment, sellin' my sweetly restored/remodeled Arts & Crafts brick Four-Square home, doctor says high cholesterol so no more animal skin, finally buyin' a less-than-schwank "beach house" that needed (and still does) a ton of work and putting in that work, baby girl on the way, new gas-guzzler, need to sell the 163K mi VW, living only steps from a beach, and finally leading one of the design studios (and actually getting compliments!). All that = STRESS X 12.

So as of January 1... after I finish the second bathroom (ugh)... I restart myself (and start the basement project). As always, I must find the time. Goal: sprint triathlon in 2013 or sooner. Hold me to it.

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